The Placental and Mammary Transfer of Tocopherols (Vitamin E) in Sheep, Goats and Swine

The placental transfer and colostral storage of total tocopherols was investigated in sheep, goats and swine. Supplementing the prepartum ration with 80 mg of mixed tocopherols per 100 lb. body weight slightly increased the liver storage of tocopherols in the newborn animal, but the increase was not statistically significant. A highly significant increase in the tocopherol content of the blood plasma of the lambs and kids resulted from the prepartum supplementation, but no increase was observed in swine. Prepartum supplementation caused a two-fold increase in the tocopherol content of the colstrum in all species. Colostrum contained three to 4 times as much tocopherol as the milk obtained from the same animals 4 days later.