Oxidized and total ascorbic acid were estimated in the tissues of rats infected with T. hippicum and the reduced ascorbic acid was calculated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (200-300 g.) were injected intraperit. with the trypanosomes and were sacrificed 60 hrs. after infection. At this time the pre-mortal symptoms had appeared, but the convulsions had not yet occurred. Liver, spleen, adrenal, skeletal muscle, and plasma were analysed colorimetrically for both oxidized and total ascorbic acid. Reduced ascorbic acid was lowered significantly in the spleen, adrenal, and liver of the infected animals, while there was no change in the oxidized form. The oxidized ascorbic acid of the muscle increased significantly, although there was no change in the reduced form. Both forms increased 100% in the plasma. Since the ratio of reduced to oxidized ascorbic acid decreased in the spleen, adrenals, and muscle, the author concluded that there was an interference in the oxidation-reduction processes of the host during infection which might have been responsible for the changes observed.