Combined Electrospray Ionization−Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Source for Use in High-Throughput LC−MS Applications

Fast and accurate analytical methods are essential to keep pace with sample libraries produced from combinational chemistry and high-throughput biological screening. Many laboratories now use a combination of ionization techniques for the characterization of these samples, including atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), electrospray ionization (ESI), and photoionization (PI). Data are shown here from the analysis of a compound collection plate containing a variety of sample structures. ESI will normally analyze around 80% of these samples, necessitating a source change to analyze a further 10%. In this work, we have developed a new combined ESI-APCI source (ESCi) for use in on-line HPLC applications. The combined source allows alternate on-line ESI and APCI scans with polarity switching within a single analysis. The ESCi source has been designed to be a simple replacement for the existing mass spectrometer interfaces. Each ionization method is optimized independently using separate tuning parameters. Instrument electronics can readily switch between the two ionization methods and polarities within normal interscan time periods. The new source has reduced the analysis time of sample plates by eliminating the need for a source hardware change, source optimization, and repeat analyses.