RAG-1 and ATM coordinate monoallelic recombination and nuclear positioning of immunoglobulin loci

Immunoglobulin gene rearrangements occur in an organized, temporal way. Skok and colleagues show that immunoglobulin alleles 'pair' to coordinate cleavage and allelic availability. Coordinated recombination of homologous antigen receptor loci is thought to be important for allelic exclusion. Here we show that homologous immunoglobulin alleles pair in a stage-specific way that mirrors the recombination patterns of these loci. The frequency of homologous immunoglobulin pairing was much lower in the absence of the RAG-1–RAG-2 recombinase and was restored in Rag1−/− developing B cells with a transgene expressing a RAG-1 active-site mutant that supported DNA binding but not cleavage. The introduction of DNA breaks on one immunoglobulin allele induced ATM-dependent repositioning of the other allele to pericentromeric heterochromatin. ATM activated by the cleaved allele acts in trans on the uncleaved allele to prevent biallelic recombination and chromosome breaks or translocations.