Dielectric properties of human glioma and surrounding tissue

Dielectric properties of human glioma and surrounding tissue from five patients were measured. Experiments were performed at frequencies of 5–500 MHz at 24±0.5° using a Network Analysed and a coaxial line capacitive sensor. The permittivity and conductivity of tumours were 30% higher than that of the surrounding tissues due to their higher water content. The characteristic of less differentiation in tumours clearly was reflected in the dielectric properties, namely a smaller parameter for the relaxation time distribution of the tumour's dielectric relaxation. With the dielectric data, the power absorption ratios of tumour to surrounding tissue were calculated for four representative electromagnetic (EM) irradiation cases. The calculation shows that power absorption ratios are strongly dependent on the incident direction of the EM wave and optimum frequency. To improve therapeutic efficiency, it is appropriate to have the electric field vector (E) parallel to the interface of tumour/surrounding tissue at optimum frequencies around 100 MHz, and the case of E perpendicular to the interface must be avoided in applications of EM hyperthermia for brain tumours.