Quantum Mechanical Interpretation of Nitrite Reduction by Cytochrome cd1 Nitrite Reductase from Paracoccus pantotrophus

The reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide in respiratory denitrification is catalyzed by a cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase in Paracoccus pantotrophus (formerly known as Thiosphaera pantotropha LMD 92.63). High-resolution structures are available for the fully oxidized [Fülöp, V., Moir, J. W., Ferguson, S. J., and Hajdu, J. (1995) Cell81, 369−377; Baker, S. C., Saunders, N. F., Willis, A. C., Ferguson, S. J., Hajdu, J., and Fülöp, V. (1997) J. Mol. Biol.269, 440−455] and fully reduced forms of this enzyme, as well as for various intermediates in its catalytic cycle [Williams, P. A., Fülöp, V., Garman, E. F., Saunders, N. F., Ferguson, S. J., and Hajdu, J. (1997) Nature389, 406−412]. On the basis of these structures, quantum mechanical techniques (QM), including density functional methods (DFT), were combined with simulated annealing (SA) and molecular mechanics techniques (MM) to calculate the electronic distribution of molecular orbitals in the active site during catalysis. The results show likely trajectories for electrons, protons, substrates, and products in the process of nitrite reduction, and offer an interpretation of the reaction mechanism. The calculations indicate that the redox state of the d1 heme and charges on two histidines in the active site orchestrate catalysis locally. Binding of nitrite to the reduced iron is followed by proton transfer from His345 and His388 to one of the oxygens of nitrite, creating a water molecule and an [Fe(II)-NO+] complex. Valence isomerization within this complex gives [Fe(III)-NO]. The release of NO from the ferric iron is influenced by the protonation state of His345 and His388, and by the orientation of NO on the d1 heme. Return of Tyr25 to a hydrogen-bonding position between His345 and His388 facilitates product release, but a rebinding of Tyr25 to the oxidized iron may be bypassed in steady-state catalysis.