Studies in human lactation: secretion of zinc, copper, and manganese in human milk

Zinc, copper, and manganese were measured in milk samples collected longitudinally from 13 highly selected, healthy lactating women. Samples were obtained at least weekly up to 1 mo and then monthly up to 18 mo postpartum or to weaning. Zn concentrations in milk declined throughout lactation from 71.9 +/- 18.3 mumol/L (means +/- SD) at 7 d to 44.3 +/- 10.7 mumol/L at 1 mo and 7.64 +/- 4.59 mumol/L at 12 mo. Cu levels also declined from 9.76 +/- 2.05 mumol/L at 7 d to 3.46 +/- 0.79 mumol/L at 5 mo with little change thereafter. Zn and Cu were not affected by weaning. Mn concentrations declined from 67.4 +/- 23.7 nmol/L at 1 mo to approximately 36 nmol/L by 3 mo and then remained constant to 7 mo when mean levels started to rise. Gradual weaning was associated with large and irregular changes in Mn levels. Total daily outputs in milk averaged 26.0 mumol Zn, 3.9 mumol Cu, and 35 nmol Mn over the first 3 mo postpartum and 13.8 mumol Zn, 2.7 mumol Cu, and 29 nmol Mn over the second 3 mo.