Submillimeter Wave Magnetic Resonance of TMMC in Pulsed High Magnetic Field

The shift and width of electron spin resonance line of TMMC are measured in a pulsed high magnetic field by using submillimeter wave of HCN laser ( λ=0.337 mm or ν=891 GHz) between helium temperature and 110 K. The resonance field shifts by 4 kOe from g =2 line in antiferromagnetic state. The shift shows a maximum as large as 6 kOe at 12 K and decreases as the temperature increases but is still 3 kOe even at 110 K. Such large shifts in the paramagnetic state are not explained. The Néel temperature is determined to be 3.5 K at 322 kOe from the anomaly of linewidth. It is fairly high compared to 0.835 K at 0 field, but is reasonable from the consideration of cross-over effect of spin dimensionality.