Fluorescence in situ hybridisation analysis and ovarian histology of women with Turner syndrome presenting with Y-chromosomal material: a correlation between oral epithelial cells, lymphocytes and ovarian tissue

The early detection of Y-chromosomal material in women with Turner syndrome (TS) is of great importance due to a relatively high risk of gonadal tumour development. Using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) analysis, we studied the presence of three different Y-specific sequences (SRY, Ycen and Yq12) in three different tissues (oral epithelial cells, lymphocytes and ovarian tissue) of twelve TS women. We have also described their ovarian histology. Two of the women (17 %) had gonadal tumours. In five women where ovarian tissue was available, the presence of Y-chromosomal material in oral epithelial cells and lymphocytes correlated to the presence of Y-chromosomal material in the gonads. We therefore conclude that FISH analysis of oral epithelial cells and/or lymphocytes is a valuable complement to karyotyping for the early detection of Y-chromosomal material in TS women.