Undifferentiated columnar cells on the gastric interfoveolar crest: A previously undescribed observation

We have observed and defined morphometrically and histochemically an entity composed of groups of undifferentiated columnar cells on the interfoveolar crest of gastric mucosa. These cells are clearly distinct from either normal foveolar cells or regenerative epithelial cells associated with ulcer healing. They show a close association with atrophic gastritis, particularly in the presence of type 3 sulphomucin-secreting intestinal metaplasia. We have termed this the gastric tip lesion since it is observed only on the tips of the mucosal folds. This has not been described previously. We propose that these cells are the precursors of type 3 intestinal metaplasia and may also provide a link between this type of intestinal metaplasia and the intestinal variant of gastric adeno-carcinoma.