Stereotaxic Needle Localization and Cytological Diagnosis of Occult Breast Lesions

A stereotaxic technique for localization of occult breast lesions and fine needle aspiration for cytological diagnosis was used on examination of 543 patients. Successful localization with the needle tip within 1 mm of the suspected lesion was possible in 490 patients (90.2%). Based on a high mammographic index of suspicion for malignancy, 187 of 490 patients were selected to undergo open biopsy, following aspiration cytology and localization with methylene blue injection. The statistical results (cytologic vs. histologic examination) revealed a sensitivity of 97.5% and a specificity of 95.2% for cytologic diagnosis of occult breast lesions. The technique is eary to learn and takes 20-30 minutes to perform. Compliance was 100% and complications were nil. This new technique expedites localization and maximizes the specificity of mammography for occult breast lesions.