Social Functioning, Treatment Dropout, and Recidivism of Probationers Mandated to a Modified Therapeutic Community

Few studies have examined the impact of corrections-based drug abuse treatment programs on changes in social functioning. The current study, therefore, examines social functioning (i.e., hostility, risk taking, and social conformity) among 406 probationers in a modified therapeutic community. Data are collected prospectively and include intake, during treatment, and posttreatment information. Findings show that social functioning changes modestly during the first 90 days of treatment. Specifically, risk taking decreases with time, social conformity increases, and unexpectedly, hostility increases across time in treatment. Hostility is the only social functioning factor that predicts treatment dropout. Findings show there are no associations between social functioning indicators and recidivism both 1 and 2 years after treatment. However, recidivism within 1 year of treatment release is associated with criminal history, and recidivism within 2 years is associated with age.