Decay ofNd152and the Isomers ofPm152

The radiations associated with the decay of 11.4-min Nd152 and its 4.1-min Pm152 daughter have been studied with Ge(Li), NaI(Tl), and anthracene detectors in both singles and coincidence configurations. A tentative decay scheme for Nd152 involving allowed β decay to the 4.1-min isomer of Pm152 (1+) (logft=4.8) and to an excited 1+ level 294.6-keV higher (logft=4.2) is presented. The 4.1-min level undergoes β decay to 10 levels in Sm152 which have been previously established in decay studies of Eu152, and from Coulomb excitation and reaction studies. A new level in Sm152 has been placed at ≅1081 keV. The total β-decay energy is nearly the same as the measured β end-point energy, 3.6 ± 0.2 MeV.