Renal handling of oxalate a micropuncture study in the rat

Clearance and micropuncture experiments were performed in rats to study the renal handling of oxalate. The 14C-oxalate to 3H-inulin clearance ratio (C ox /C in ) was 1.36±0.04 and was lowered by probenecid (200 mg/kg) to 1.11±0.03 (±S.E., n=6, Pr=0.95). The results suggest that no net secretion occurs in superficial nephron segments accessible for micropuncture. Since whole kidney clearances of oxalate always exceeded glomerular filtration rate, it is concluded that net addition of oxalate into the tubular fluid can occur at sites beyond the superficial late distal tubules or is due to higher delivery of oxalate by deep cortical nephrons.