Proton transport polarization and depolarization of hydroxyapatite ceramics

Polarization of sintered hydroxyapatite (HAp) ceramics by application of an external dc field at higher temperature was analyzed by thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) measurements. The mechanisms for the polarization and depolarization of HAp were discussed in relation to the instability of the protons in the hydroxide groups. The TSDC spectra consisted of broad peaks, while the ferroelectric substances such as the BaTiO3 ceramics exhibited a sharp peak. Although the maximum current density of 7.87 nA cm−2 for the HAp polarized at 400 °C under 1.0 kV cm−1 was approximately 1/12 lower than that of BaTiO3, the polarization charge of 14.9 μC cm−2 was almost twice as large as that of BaTiO3. Considering the activation energy of 0.72–0.89 eV for the depolarization, it was revealed that the polarization of HAp was ascribed to the migration of protons in the columnar OH− channels with a micrometer-order distance. It was also found that the polarization charge was large and long enough to enhance the biological reactivity of HAp ceramics for biomedical implants.