Census of breeding seabirds on the northwest coast of Svalbard 1973 and 1978

The western coast of Svalbard is one of the world's most important seabird regions (Belopol'skij 1961; Løvenskiold 1964; Norderhaug et al. 1977), due to the favourable water temperatures, light regime and amounts of mineral salts (Norderhaug et al. 1977). Seabirds have been censused several times in this area (Kristoffersen 1962; Larsen 1965; Dhondt et al.1969; Voisin 1970; Norderhaug 1974; Sendstad 1978; Alendal et al. 1982). Except for Larsen (1965), there is no comprehensive and quantitative survey of any part of northwestern Svalbard. Further east, Jepsen & Mobæk (1983) surveyed the area between Gråhuken and Nordaustìandet. Recent concern about the potentially detrimental effects of planned oil exploration and increased human activities in the high Arctic has emphasized the need for more information on the ecology in these regions. This paper provides more comprehensive data on seabird populations in northwestern Svalbard, between southern Prins Karls Forland and Verlegenhuken. The results supplement the studies carried out in 1978 and 1979 by Jepsen & Mobæk (1983) between Verlegenhuken and Kong Karls Land.

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