A Case Study on Human Upper Limb Modelling for Dynamic Simulation

Modelling consists of developing a representation of the properties of an object or a phenomenon with respect to the goals of its analysis. In this paper, the procedure presented is that followed in the CHARM project for human upper limb modelling with respect to the project constraints on the model implementation and simulation. The objective is to develop a Comprehensive Human Animation Resource Model allowing the simulation of human motion, including the finite element simulation of soft tissue deformation and muscular contraction. Generally, models are presented based on assumptions left for a fortiori validation. The a priori considerations which lead to these assumptions are rarely detailed. Here, the aim is to form a basis for the choices and assumptions which are to be made prior to the validation. The analysis is based on the general approach for the modelling of multi-body deformable systems as well as on previous studies on the human upper limb.