High Sensitivity Search forν¯e’s from the Sun and Other Sources at KamLAND

Data corresponding to a KamLAND detector exposure of 0.28 kton yr has been used to search for ν¯e’s in the energy range 8.3<Eν¯e<14.8MeV. No candidates were found for an expected background of 1.1±0.4 events. This result can be used to obtain a limit on ν¯e fluxes of any origin. Assuming that all ν¯e flux has its origin in the Sun and has the characteristic B8 solar νe energy spectrum, we obtain an upper limit of 3.7×102cm2s1 (90% C.L.) on the ν¯e flux. We interpret this limit, corresponding to 2.8×104 of the standard solar model B8 νe flux, in the framework of spin-flavor precession and neutrino decay models.