Isolation of a tumor‐associated transplantation antigen (TATA) from an SV40‐induced sarcoma. Resemblance to the TATA of chemically induced neoplasms

A tumor rejection antigen (TATA), obtained from the cytosol of a BALB/c mKSA sarcoma induced by SV40 virus, has been partially purified. This partially purified antigen is strikingly immunogenic against mKSA, providing more than 90% inhibition of growth at levels of 10‐30 ũg. This antigen preparation does not protect against challenge with another SV40‐induced BALB/c sarcoma VLM which, however, shares a group‐specific TATA with mKSA. The antigen also does not immunize against challenge with the methylcholanthrene‐induced sarcomas of BALB/c mice, Meth A, CI‐4, CII‐7 and CII‐10, each of which has its own unique TATA. Binding assays, using ELISA, failed to detect any SV40 antigen in the antigen preparation despite the fact that the large T antigen of SV40 (or fragments of it) constitutes the immunodominant TATA of mKSA.