Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Moments of 17-Hr Bromine-76

The nuclear spin, the nuclear magnetic-dipole interaction constant a, and the nuclear electric-quadrupole interaction constant b, have been determined for 17-hr bromine-76 by an atomic-beam experiment. The results are: I=1, |a|=345.422±0.014 Mc/sec, |b|=314.329±0.022 Mc/sec, ba=0.9100±0.0001. The nuclear magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole moments are calculated to be, respectively, μ=±0.5479±0.0001 nuclear magneton, and Q=0.27±0.01 barn. The sign of μ, though not determined, is probably negative. The hyperfine structure separations are Δν(52, 32)=1256.47±0.05 Mc/sec, and Δν(12, 32)=189.11±0.05 Mc/sec. The hyperfine structure is of particular interest because the F=12 and 32 levels are inverted and not in normal order. This inversion is the first case of its kind established in an atomic-beam experiment.