Quantum theory for surface magnetoplasmons

A theory is presented for surface magnetoplasmons in a metal film with a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the surfaces. In the model, electrons from a free electron gas bounded by a pair of surfaces which are represented by an infinite potential barrier. Within the RPA, the authors work out the non-local response function, first ignoring quantum interference effects induced by the surfaces. A Ritchie-Marusak expression for the magnetoplasmon dispersion relation is derived, as first obtained by Horing and Yildiz (1973). The long-wavelength dispersion due to non-local effects is discussed both for a half-space and for very thin films. For the full infinite barrier model, they show how one can write the basic RPA integral equation for the density response function in a way in which the semiclassical RPA is the zeroth-order approximation. Generalising Beck's argument (1971) they prove that the local approximation for the long-wavelength surface magnetoplasmon is exact in the q/sub /// to O limit of the full infinite barrier model.