Breech Position, Delivery Route and Congenital Hip Dislocation

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the mode of delivery for fetuses in breech presentation in any way influenced the frequency of congenital hip dislocation. In 13,559 singleton births 583 fetuses were in breech position, and the cesarean section rate was 39.1%. Eighty-three infants were born with congenital hip dislocation, 11 of whom had been in breech position. Of these 11, cesarean section was required in 5 cases. There was no difference in frequency of congenital hip dislocation between fetuses in breech presentation delivered by cesarean section vs. by the vaginal route. The frequency of breech presentation in congenital hip dislocation was 13.3%. Including 7 external versions, the rate was 21.7%. Female to male ratio was 4:1. The frequency of congenital hip dislocations in infants born in vertex presentation was 5.5 per mile and for infants born in breech presentation it was 18.9 per mille.

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