Quantum Color Transparency and Nuclear Filtering

Color transparency is the proposal that under certain circumstances the strong interactions can be reduced in magnitude. We give a comprehensive review of the physics, which hinges on the interface of perturbative QCD with non--perturbative strong interactions. Color transparency is complementary to {\it nuclear filtering}, which is the conversion of quark wave functions in hadrons to small transverse space dimensions by interaction with a nuclear medium. We review current approaches, including pictures based on modeling the time evolution of hadronic wave--packets as well as the use of light cone matrix elements. Spin plays an intrinsic role in testing and understanding the physics and is discussed at length. We emphasize the use of data analysis procedures which have minimal model dependence. We also review existing experimental data and the experimental program planned at various facilities. The subject has strong scientific complementarity and potential to make progress in exploring hadron physics at current and future facilities.

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