Phase coexistence, magnetic inhomogeneity, and disorder in the charge-ordered state ofPr2/3Ca1/3MnO3

The coexistence of ferromagnetic metallic and antiferromagnetic charge-ordered (CO) states in Pr2/3Ca1/3MnO3 has been investigated using zero-field muon spin relaxation, neutron diffraction, calorimetric, and magnetic measurements. Calorimetric data evidence a high degree of disorder below the CO transition. The data are consistent with large antiferromagnetic (AFM) CO regions containing structural and magnetic inhomogeneities densely scattered. Below the charge order temperature (TCO220K) the dominant relaxation mechanism of the muon polarization is based on ferromagnetic Mn-Mn correlations and the spin-lattice relaxation rate is peaked at TC instead of TN. The results agree with a spatial distribution of ferromagnetic and AFM regions strongly interpenetrated. The presence of local magnetic order in the whole sample is only achieved just below TC120K.