Sulphur as a nutrient for Merino sheep

1. Estimates of sulphur retention by Merino sheep during growth, pregnancy and wool production, and of S excretion during lactation were obtained to derive estimates of the S requirements of Merino sheep.2. The S content of fifty Merino sheep was related by weighted regression analysis to age, live weight and (age × live weight). The quantity of S stored was calculated for varying rates of live-weight gain in sheep differing in age and live weight.3. The S contents of twenty-five samples of foetus, foetal membranes and uteruses were determined. Relationships between S content and days from mating were calculated, and differentiated to give daily net changes in S content during pregnancy.4. Milk production of twenty-seven Merino ewes was estimated on eight to ten occasions at approximately weekly intervals to the 84th day of lactation. The average S content was 472 mg/l; it increased on average by 1·0 mg/l per d of lactation. The mean S content of ninety-seven samples of wool averaged 34 g S/kg clean dry wool.5. It was concluded that wool represented the major demand for S by the Merino since approximately 70 g S were secreted in producing 2 kg clean wool, 50 g S in a lactation yielding 100 l milk and 8 g S in giving birth to a single lamb.