Scattering theory andexpansion in the chiral Gross-Neveu model
- 15 August 1979
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review D
- Vol. 20 (4) , 897-902
We show how to establish the scattering theory of the chiral Gross-Neveu model in terms of a massive field with generalized statistics. It is in terms of this field that the property of antiparticles being bound states of particles is consistently formulated. We also employ an auxiliary local Fermi field in order to develop an infrared-regular expansion. The connection between these two fields is discussed.
This publication has 21 references indexed in Scilit:
- Exact S-matrix of the chiral invariant SU(N) thirring modelNuclear Physics B, 1978
- Chiral symmetry, the 1/N expansion and the SU(N) thirring modelNuclear Physics B, 1978
- matrix of the supersymmetric nonlinearmodelPhysical Review D, 1978
- Exact S matrix of Gross-Neveu “elementary” fermionsPhysics Letters B, 1978
- Complete S-matrix of the massive thirring modelNuclear Physics B, 1977
- Exact two-particle S-matrix of quantum sine-Gordon solitonsCommunications in Mathematical Physics, 1977
- On the uniqueness of a purely elastic S-matrix in (1+1) dimensionsPhysics Letters B, 1977
- Dynamical symmetry breaking in asymptotically free field theoriesPhysical Review D, 1974
- There are no Goldstone bosons in two dimensionsCommunications in Mathematical Physics, 1973
- Spontaneous breakdown of symmetries and zero-mass statesCommunications in Mathematical Physics, 1967