Absolute wave-lengths are determined for selected lines in the solar spectrum near the atmospheric oxygen band at λ 6300, for 13 points across the polar diameter of a large solar image. The centre wave-lengths show a shift of +0.005 A . over the vacuum arc values; there is little change in wave-length with disk position until the last 10 per cent of the solar image radius, when a rapid increase to a shift of +0.013 A . is found. The observed wave-lengths are corrected for differences in physical conditions in the Sun and in the vacuum arc (Lindholm effect), and the interpretation of the residual shifts is considered. It is found that the usual Relativity-radial current, hypothesis implies currents with impossibly large velocities. It is concluded that we have at present no adequate theoretical interpretation of solar wave-lengths, and suggestions are made for further observational investigations which should indicate the solution to this problem.