Lagrangian molecular dynamics using selected conformational degrees of freedom, with application to the pseudorotation dynamics of furanose rings

Using internal conformational degrees of freedom for biopolymers as natural variables, and introducing a Lagrangian dynamics approach, one can simulate time‐dependent processes over a much longer time scale than in classical Newtonian molecular dynamics (MD) techniques. Two factors contribute to this: a substantial reduction in the number of degrees of freedom and a very large increase in the size of the time step. We present the Lagrangian equations of motion for repuckering transitions in model furanose (F), ribose (R), and 2′‐deoxyribose (dR) ring systems using the pseudorotation phase angle as the single dynamic variable. As in most Lagrangian analyses, the effective masses for the R and dRmodels are dependent on conformation, and we test the behavior of this variable mass (VM) model. Since the variation in effective mass is small, the VM model is compared with a simplified constant mass (CM) model, which is shown to be an excellent approximation. The equations of motion for the CM and VM models are integrated with the leapfrog and the iterative leapfrog algorithms, respectively. The Lagrangian dynamics approach reduces the number of degrees of freedom from about 40 to 1, and allows the use of time steps on the order of 20 fs, about an order of magnitude greater than is used in conventional MD simulations. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.