It is reasoned from comparative observations on growth-habit, leaf indumentum and stomatal frequency, achene glandulosity, and involucral bract anatomy that Solenogyne Cass. is best retained in Lagenifera Cass. as one of three infrageneric groupings Lagenifera, Microcalia, and Solenogyne (including Emphysopus Hook.f.). The identity of Ixauchenus Cass. is unresolved. Lagenifera is represented in New Zealand by L. stipitata (formerly L. pinnatifida var. tenuifolia), L. montana, and L. pinnatifida; Microcalia by L. strangulata, L. petiolata, L. cuneata, L. barkeri, and L. pumila; and Solenogyne by L. gunnii, L. mikadoi, and L. lanata. Lagenifera montana Hook.f., and L. mikadoi Koidz. are new records for the country.