The effect of excess moisture on the germination of Spinacia oleracea L.

The reversible inhibition of the germination of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) seeds in conditions which are even slightly wetter than optimal has been traced to the production, in a wet environment, of a layer of mucilage around and within the fruit coat which surrounds the true seed. Such wet seeds may however germinate readily when the temperature is lowered, or the oxygen pressure of the environment is raised, or the intact seeds are placed for a short time in hydrogen peroxide before being transferred to what normally would be an excess of water. Even in the absence of an increased oxygen supply the seeds will germinate under water provided the fruit coat, or even a small part of it where it covers the radicle, is crefully removed. No evidence has been found of a water soluble inhibitor and the findings are consistent with the hypothesis that germination is dependent on a sufficiently high rate of supply of oxygen to the sites embryonic respiration. The mucilage which is formed under wet conditions forms a barrier which prevents the transfer of oxygen to the embryo by gaseous diffusion or aqueous convection currents and restricts it to the process of aqueous diffusion, and under these conditions the rate of oxygen supply may not reach the threshold level required for germination.