Structural relaxation dynamics of electronically excited XeArN clusters

In this article we explore the structural, dynamic, and spectroscopic implications of large local configurational changes in electronically excited Xe*ArN (N=12,54,146,199) heteroclusters, where the Xe* [≡Xe(3P1)] atom is excited to the lowest dipole-allowed extravalence Rydberg excitation. The ultrafast femtosecond and picosecond dynamics driven by the short-range repulsive interaction between the vertically excited Xe* Rydberg and the cluster Ar atoms was studied by molecular dynamics simulations. From the analysis of the time dependence of the structural parameters for site-specific Xe excitations in medium-sized (N=54) and large (N=146,199) clusters, two general configurational relaxation phenomena were established: a “bubble” formation (i.e., a large configurational dilation around Xe* ) for Xe interior sites and a “spring” formation (i.e., the stretching of Xe* outside the cluster) for Xe surface sites. General Xe site-specific features of both bubble and spring formation involve ultrashort (Gaussian) energy transfer to the cluster (∼50–100 fs characteristic times τET ) inducing configurational relaxation, which manifests a multimodal time solution. The initial (Gaussian) temporal mode (∼150–300 fs characteristic times τ0ET ) is followed by an exponential mode (ps lifetime τ1 ), with subsequent impact induced, damped vibrational coherence effects with frequencies 23), and exponential decay (ps lifetimes τ23 ). The bubble formation for the central site of Xe*Ar146 or Xe*Ar54 is induced by energy transfer of τET≅60 fs followed by subsequent multimodal dilation with τ0≅170 fs and τ1≅2 ps, and a subsequent expansion with coherent motion of vibrational wave packets with ω23≅20, 40 cm−1 and τ23≅2, 6 ps. The bubble reaches an equilibrium configuration after ∼10 ps with asymptotic spatial expansion of ΔRb*=0.7–0.8 Å. The spring formation for an exterior surface site of Xe*Ar146 is τET≅80 fs and