The new N-containing acid was prepared from the cerebroside fraction of the CHCl3-CH3OH extract of brain tissue. P-con-taining impurities were removed by precipitation with Cd-acetate. The cerebroside fraction was recrystallized from CHCl3-CH3OH, and the cerebrosides extracted with hot acetone containing 5 vol. % H2O. The new lipid was obtained by extracting the insoluble residue with CHCl3-CH3OH, conc. the soln. in vacuo, and precipitating the lipid with acetone. Five g. of this lipid fraction were hydrolyzed in a pressure bomb in the presence of 125 cc. 5% methyl alcoholic HC1 for 3 hrs. at 105[degree]. Fatty acid methyl esters were extracted with petroleum ether, and after removal of CH3OH and HCl, the sphingosine fraction was obtained by extraction with ether. The remaining aqueous soln. was made alkaline with Ba(OH)2, excess Ba(OH)2 removed with CO2, and the soln. conc. The residue was dissolved in 5-10 cc. MeOH, and the Ba-salt of the neuraminic acid precipitated with 100 cc. of acetone. Neur-aminic acid (C10H19NO8 or C11H21NO9) was a pure white hygroscopic substance, which charred without melting at 200[degree]. The optical activity was ([alpha])D20= [long dash]54.91. The substance gave a strong positive reaction with Ehrlich''s aldehyde reagent and an intense red color with Bial''s reagent. The neutral soln. gave a positive ninhydrin reaction and negative Trommer reaction.

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