Dynamic electromyography. I. Numerical representation using principal component analysis

A complete description of human gait requires consideration of linear and temporal gait parameters such as velocity, cadence, and stride length, as well as graphic waveforms such as limb rotations, forces, and moments at the joints and phasic activity of muscles. This results in a large number of interactive parameters, making interpretation of gait data extremely difficult. Statistical pattern recognition techniques can simplify this problem. For this approach to be successful, first it is necessary to reduce the number of interactive parameters to a manageable set. In this study, we present an application of principal component analysis as a means for representing graphic waveforms in a parsimonious manner. In particular, we concentrate on representing the phasic muscle activity recorded using surface electrodes from ten major muscles of the lower extremity of 35 normal subjects during level walking. A 32 point vector is created in which each point of the vector represents the normalized area under the curve of a portion of rectified and smoothed electromyographic signal, expressed as a function of gait cycle. Principal components are computed and the first few weighting coefficients are retained as features to represent the original EMG data. We show that the corresponding basis vectors span parts of the gait cycle where the most variability between individual subjects exists. We also show that the basis vectors can be used to represent the EMG data of subjects not originally used to generate the basis vectors.