Development and Remodeling of Cerebral Blood Vessels and Their Flow in Postnatal Mice Observed with in vivo Videomicroscopy

Changes of blood vessels in the mouse somatosensory (barrel) cortex were assessed from birth (P0) to adulthood. Surface vessel anatomy and flow were observed directly with videomicroscopy through closed cranial windows and with intravascular fluorescent tracers. Histology was used to determine the internal capillary density. At birth, arterioles had numerous anastomoses with each other, pial capillaries formed a dense surface plexus, and pial venules and veins were relatively small and irregular. Morphological changes over the next 2 weeks included (a) fewer arteriolar anastomoses, (b) formation and growth of venules, (c) more uniform diameters of all types of vascular segments, (d) increase in intraparenchymal capillary length density ( Lv), and (e) decreases in superficial capillary density and diameters. A simple morphological test showed that wall shear rates at arteriolar branch points were matched on average in neonates and adults. Flow characteristics in single vessels were evaluated. In arterioles of like diameters, (a) Vmax, (b) peak wall shear rates, and (c) peak flows were similar at all ages; (d) velocity was very high in occasional arteriovenous (AV) shunts in newborns; and (e) flow in arteriolar anastomoses was slow and variable. Although flow was heterogeneous in all types of vessel, the marked similarities in newborn and adult mice of average peak velocities and calculated wall shear rates in arterioles of the same size suggest that blood flow regulates in part the remodeling of blood vessels during development (Rovainen et al., 1992). The rodent barrel cortex undergoes major neuronal and vascular development, functional differentiation, and remodeling during the first weeks after birth. It provides special opportunities for testing how blood vessels grow and adapt to supply the local metabolic requirements of neural modules in the brain.