Biodegradability of Azo and Triphenylmethane dyes by Pseudomonas pseudomallei 13NA

Biodegradability of dyes by Pseudomonas pseudomallei 13NA was examined by spectrophotometric and thin layer chromatographic methods. The results are summarized as follows: Pseudomonas pseudomallei 13NA intact cells were responsible for the decolorization of p–aminoazobenzene, C. I. Acid Orange 7, C. I. Acid Orange 12, C. I. Acid Orange 20, C. I. Acid Red 88, C. I. Direct Red 28, C. I. Direct Yellow 4, C. I. Basic Violet 1, C. I. Basic Violet 3 and C. I. Basic Orange 21. The half–decolorization time of the azo dyes used in this experiment showed good correlation with their molecular weights. The detection of the reaction products of p–aminoazobenzene and C. I. Basic Violet 3 was examined by spectrophotometric and thin layer chromatographic methods. The results indicate the possibility of biodegradation of these dyes by Pseudomonas pseudomallei 13NA.