Genetical Distance and Dermatoglyphic Characters

The distance coefficients between two relatively isolated population groups in Poland, based on various combinations of dermatoglyphic non-measurable characters were estimated. These were compared with the overall dermatoglyphic distance coefficients, estimated separately for left and right, as well as with the serologic distance coefficient, based on ABO, Rh and Duffy blood groups. Dermatoglyphic distance coefficients, estimated from quantitative variables (pattern intensities) using Penrose’s C2H analysis of variance method, were also introduced for a comparison. The differences in frequencies between two populations, separately for each character, were also compared with its heritability values. The genetic interpretation of distance coefficients is fairly complex and the attempts at their evaluation in relation to the within-population variability (intrapopulation distance coefficients) will be presented in a later paper in this series (II).