Chaudhury and Chaudhury, Nature 193, 179, 1962, reported that local and systemic injections of synthetic oxytocin increased the weight of the crop sac in pigeons. Local injections of synthetic oxytocin, in the dosage used by these authors given to nine pigeons, Columbi livia, failed to to produce a prolactin like crop sac response and six pigeons given natural oxytocin also showed no response, though all responded to prolactin injected over the opposite crop sac. Oxytocin injections caused skin irritation which could explain the reported crop sac weight increase as due to inflammation. Of thirteen pigeons injected with systemic oxytocin in the dose used by Chaudhury and Chaudhury only three showed prolactin like responses which were attributed to spontaneous crop sac activity rather than to the oxytocin.