Quantification of the Surface Morphologies of Lactose Carriers and Their Effect on the in Vitro Deposition of Salbutamol Sulphate.

Application of the scanning probe microscopy technique for quantitative measurement of the surface roughness of lactose carriers was evaluated. The roughness values of four different lactose carriers were related to the in vitro deposition results of the drug, salbutamol sulphate. The rugosity values of the lactose carriers were represented by Ra values which were in the order of DCL-40>DCL-11>lactose 325M>lactose 200 M. In vitro deposition results using a twin impinger showed that rougher carrier surfaces generally allowed more drug particles to be emitted from the capsules and inhaler but the availability of the drug to stage 2 was reduced, as detachment of drug particles from the carrier surfaces was more hindered. There was an optimum Ra value for greater delivery of the drug particles to stage 2 of the twin impinger. A balance between adherence and detachment of the drug from the carrier surface was needed in order to optimize the delivery of a drug to the desired target sites using a dry powder inhaler.

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