Summary The present study examines the modulation of gastrocnemius-soleus (GS) monosynaptic reflexes as well as the intraspinal threshold changes of GS group I primary afferent terminals ending in the intermediate and motor nuclei during fictive locomotion in high decerebrate cats. The amplitude of the monosynaptic reflexes (MSR's) evoked in the medial gastrocnemius by stimulation of the lateral gastrocnemius nerve was increased during the extensor (E) phase, decreased during the flexion (F) phase of the step cycle and remainded transiently increased after spontaneous episodes of fictive stepping. The intraspinal threshold of populations and of single group Ia GS afferent fibers ending in the motor pool, as well as of single Ia and Ib fibers ending in the intermediate nucleus, showed a sustained reduction during the episodes of fictive locomotion with superimposed cyclic changes in phase with the step cycle. During fictive walking and trotting the reduction of the intraspinal threshold of both Ia and Ib fiber terminals was maximal during the middle or late portion of the F-phase. During fictive gallop elicited by stimulation of the superficial peroneus nerve, the decrease in the intraspinal threshold of the Ia afferent fibers occurred however in phase with the activity of the GS motoneurons. During episodes of fictive locomotion slow, sustained negative DC potential shifts lasting tents of seconds, reflecting an increase in the extracellular potassium concentration were recorded at the base of the dorsal horn and in the intermediate nucleus. The present findings support the existence of tonic and phasic depolarization of the intraspinal terminals of GS group Ia and Ib primary afferents during spontaneous fictive locomotion. It is suggested that accumulation of potassium ions in the extracellular space contributes mainly to the sustained depolarization of group I fibers. The phasic depolarization would be mostly due to the activation of specific sets of interneurons and may, in the case of Ia fibers, contribute to the cyclic modulation of the MRS elicited during fictive locomotion.