MIP1α Nuclear Protein (MNP), a Novel Transcription Factor Expressed in Hematopoietic Cells That Is Crucial for Transcription of the Human MIP-1α Gene

Murine macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha (MIP-1 alpha) and its human equivalent (GOS19, LD78, or AT464) are members of the -C-C family of low-molecular-weight chemokines. Secreted from activated T cells and macrophages, bone marrow-derived MIP-1 alpha/GOS19 inhibits primitive hematopoietic stem cells and appears to be involved in the homeostatic control of stem cell proliferation. It also induces chemotaxis and inflammatory responses in mature cell types. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms which control the expression of MIP-1 alpha/GOS19. Previous work has shown that in Jurkat T cells, a set of widely expressed transcription factors (the ICK-1 family) affect the GOS19 promoter. One member, ICK-1A, behaves as a strong negative regulator. In this communication, we provide evidence that the pathway of induction in the macrophage cell line U937 is different from that in Jurkat cells. Furthermore, we show that the ICK-1 binding site does not confer negative regulation in U937 cells. We provide evidence for an additional binding site, the MIP-1 alpha nuclear protein (MNP) site, which overlaps the ICK-1 site. Interaction of nuclear extracts from various cell lines and tissue with the MNP site leads to the formation of fast-migrating protein-DNA complexes with similar but distinct electrophoretic mobilities. A mutation of the MNP site which does not abrogate ICK-1 binding inactivates the GOS19.1 promoter in U937 cells and reduces its activity by fourfold in Jurkat cells. We propose that the MNP protein(s) binding at the MNP site constitutes a novel transcription factor(s) expressed in hematopoietic cells.