A 63-year-old man who grows orchids as a hobby, fell ill with weakness and pain in his hips and legs 2 months after his latest trip to South America (Ecuador). The WBC count was 9900/microliters with unremarkable differential count while blood sedimentation rate was raised to 60/100 mm. The chest X-ray demonstrated in the right upper lobe a well-circumscribed coin lesion (3 cm diameter) of soft-tissue density, uncalcified and without cavitation. Computed tomography in addition revealed an enlarged lymph-node at the lower hilar pole, but no mediastinal lymphoma. Bronchoscopy demonstrated narrowing of a subsegmental ostium of the 6th segment on the right. An attempt at transbronchial biopsy failed. As a peripheral bronchial carcinoma was suspected, a posterolateral thoracotomy was performed (4 months after the trip to Ecuador). Rapid histological examination was negative for tumour and the lesion was therefore enucleated. Histologically (Grocott silver staining) a histoplasmoma was diagnosed. Several serum samples were positive for precipitating (M-band) and complement-binding antibodies (titre 12 days preoperatively was 1:16). The postoperative course was without complication. No anti-histoplasma antibodies were demonstrable 1 year postoperatively.