Isomyosin expression patterns in tubular stages of chicken heart development: a 3-D immunohistochemical analysis

The 3-D distribution of atrial and ventricular isomyosins is analysed in tubular chicken hearts (stage 12+ to 17 (H/H)) using antibodies specific for adult chicken atrial and ventricular myosin heavy chains, respectively. At stage 12+ (H/H) all myocytes express the atrial isomyosin; furthermore, all myocytes except those originally situated in the dorsolateral wall of the sinu-atrium coexpress the ventricular isomyosin as well. Moreover, it appears that recently incorporated myocardial cells at both ends of the heart tube start with a coexpression of both isomyosins. From stage 14 (H/H) onwards a regional loss of expression of one of either isomyosins is observed in the atrial and ventricular compartment. In this way the single isomyosin expression types that are characteristic for the adult working myocardium of the atria and ventricles arise. So, the isomyosin expression patterns are, unexpectedly, hardly useful to discriminate the different heart parts of the tubular heart. The ventricle, defined by its adult type of isomyosin expression, is even not detectable before stage 14 (H/H). Interestingly, interconnected coexpression areas, which may be precursor conductive tissues, are still present at stage 17 (H/H) in the outflow tract, the ventricular trabeculae, the atrio-ventricular transitional zone and in the sinuatrium. The pattern of isomyosin coexpression was found to correlate with a peristaltoid contraction and a slow conduction velocity, whereas single expression areas correlate with a synchronous contraction and a relatively fast conduction velocity. The possible implications of the changing isomyosin pattern for the differentiation of the tubular myocardium, in particular in relation to the development of the conductive tissues, will be discussed.