The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which form the basis of federal nutrition policy, have changed in subtle, but important ways with regard to sugars since they were first introduced in 1980; one might say they have become “sweeter” over time. Nonetheless, they have continued to maintain that there is a concern with overconsumption of sugars in the diets of Americans. Although the Dietary Guidelines themselves have never quantified how much constitutes overconsumption vs. moderation, the Food Guide Pyramid provides some guidance on that subject. The Pyramid's recommendations for added sugars, which vary by total energy level, are posed as a benchmark for gauging the appropriateness of the population's intakes. Data from the Food Supply series and from the Continuing Surveys of Food Intakes by Individuals are used to assess recent intakes. The population is consuming added sugars at levels far in excess of recommendations; this is generally true for all population subgroups examined, but especially for adolescents. Soft drinks are the major source of added sugars in the diet. Suggestions are given to facilitate correction of these dietary imbalances.

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