Equation (7) should read: “ V( r ) = 10 -9 e
— 1·91 x 10 -12r-6 ergs, being 1·30 times that given by Slater. This function, which necessarily has a zero in the same position as Slater’s function, provides a suitable startingpoint from which to determine the exact interaction, as there is evidence that Slater’s function gives too small a repulsion at small distances and too small an attraction at intermediate distances.” This modification affects the discussion in the last paragraph of §3. The differences between the results of this paper and those of Massey and Mohr using the Slater interaction are probably largely due to the difference in magnitude of the interactions employed but may be partly due also to the inaccuracy of the perturbation method employed by Massey and Mohr to obtain the smaller positive phases. The discussion of §3 then applies.