Self-reported health status and access to health services in a community sample with Parkinson's disease

A sample of people with Parkinson's disease (PD), identified from a 1992 Northampton Health Authority (NHA) Prevalence Study, and currently registered with a general practitioner, completed a postal survey. People with PD reported considerably worse health status than other individuals of the same age across a wide range of health-related dimensions. Health status was worse in those with longer-standing illness. The Parkinson's disease questionnaire (PDQ-39) identified particular problems associated with PD. The health status for those seen most recently by various health-related professionals was generally worse. Access to various services continues to be a problem for a substantial minority of people with PD. The health status of those reporting dissatisfaction with access to services was generally worse. More research, using feasible and relevant outcome measures, is needed to assess different interventions, and to assist in the determination of appropriate services.