A Sibling Species Group of Hydractinia in the North-Eastern United States

Many symbiotic organisms are narrowly distributed on one or a few host species. These associations are intriguing, as they invite the development of hypotheses regarding the pattern and process of speciation and serve as laboratories for the testing of methods of phylogenetic reconstruction (Kraus, 1978; Futuyma & Slatkin, 1983; Stone & Hawks worth, 1986). The evolution of host-specificity in the sea may be expected to be severely constrained by the difficulty of achieving reproductive isolation in taxa whose gametes are freely released into the water column and/or whose larvae are potentially widely distributed (Scheltema, 1977). Yet this difficulty may well be overestimated, given the recent demonstrations of limited gamete (Pennington, 1985; Yund, in press) and larval dispersal (Knight-Jones & Moyse, 1961; Ryland, 1981; Olsen, 1985; Jackson & Coates, 1986; Grosberg, 1987). Indeed, if gamete and larval dispersal are as limited as has recently been contended (Jackson, 1986), local isolation of populations may be a routine occurence, offering repeated opportunities for speciation.