Two-Pulse-Interval Vision Thresholds*

Data on visual discrimination of two-pulse-interval differences are presented. Experiment I measured difference thresholds f or pulse intervals ranging from 0 to 75 msec; luminance being varied from 50 to 2000 mL. Luminance had no significant effect on these temporal discriminations. Difference thresholds decreased linearly as pulse interval increased. Experiment II measured increment and decrement difference thresholds separately, for pulse intervals ranging from 0 to 90 msec. Increment thresholds decreased as pulse interval increased from 0 to 30 msec, but increased as pulse interval was increased beyond 30 msec. Although the shape of the decrement-threshold function was not defined, increment- and decrement-threshold functions differed markedly. These discrimination functions are thought to result from the temporal-response characteristics of definite visual processes.