Specific transport of S‐nitrosocysteine in human red blood cells: Implications for formation of S‐nitrosothiols and transport of NO bioactivity within the vasculature

The transport of various S‐nitrosothiols, NO and NO donors in human red blood cells (RBC) and the formation of erythrocytic S‐nitrosoglutathione were investigated. Of the NO species tested only S‐nitrosocysteine was found to form S‐nitrosoglutathione in the RBC cytosol. l‐Serine, l‐cysteine and l‐lysine inhibited formation of S‐nitrosoglutathione. Incubation of RBC pre‐incubated with S‐[15N]nitroso‐l‐cysteine with native plasma or platelet‐rich plasma led to formation of S‐[15N]nitrosoalbumin and inhibited platelet aggregation, respectively. The specific transporter system of S‐nitroso‐l‐cysteine in the RBC membrane may have implications for formation of S‐nitrosoalbumin and S‐nitrosohemoglobin and for transport of NO bioactivity within the vasculature.