Detection of endothelial cell‐reactive immunoglobulin in patients with anti‐phospholipid antibodies

Individuals with anti-phospholipid antibodies are at increased risk for the development of thrombosis and fetal loss. The pathogenesis of these syndromes is unknown, but may involve antibody-mediated alterations in endothelial cell coagulant activity. To address this possibility, we determined the incidence of endothelial cell-reactive antibodies in 76 patients whose plasma contained anti-phospholipid antibodies, but who had no clinically-evident immune disorder. Plasma from 47 patients deposited significantly more immunoglobulin on cultured endothelial cells than control plasma. Positive tests were more frequent in patients with a history of thrombosis than in those without (17/19 v 23/48; P = 0.004). However, we observed no correlation between immunoglobulin deposition on cardiolipin and endothelial cells by individual plasmas. Furthermore, endothelial cell reactivity was not diminished by adsorption of anti-cardiolipin antibodies from patient sera using liposomes. Immunoglobulin fractions prepared from 5/6 patient sera immunoprecipitated a approximately 70 kDa endothelial cell surface protein; 4/5 of these fractions also induced the release of von Willebrand factor from endothelial cells. These results demonstrate that plasma from many patients with anti-phospholipid antibodies, but no clinically-evident autoimmune disease, also contains endothelial cell-reactive antibodies. Detection of such antibodies might help identify individuals in this patient population at greatest risk for thrombosis.