Reduction of the small subunit of Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase by hydrazines and hydroxylamines

Each polypeptide chain of protein R2, the small subunit of ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli, contains a stable tyrosyl radical and an antiferromagnetically coupled diferric center. Recent crystallographic studies [Nordlund, P., Eklund, H., & Sjöberg, B.-M. (1990) Nature 345, 593-598] have shown that both the radical and the diiron site are deeply buried inside the protein and thus strongly support the hypothesis of long-range electron-transfer processes within protein R2. This study shows that monosubstituted hydrazines and hydroxylamines are able to reduce the tyrosyl radical and the ferric ions, under anaerobic conditions. It allows characterization of the site from which those compounds transfer their electrons to the iron/radical center. The efficiency of any given reducing agent is not solely governed by its redox potential but also by its size, its charge, and its hydrophobicity. We suggest, as a possible alternative to the long-range electron-transfer hypothesis, that conformational flexibility of the polypeptide chain might exist in solution and allow small molecules to penetrate the protein and react with the iron/radical center. This study also shows that two reduction mechanisms are possible, depending on which center, the radical or the metal, is reduced first. Full reduction of protein R2 yields reduced R2, characterized by a normal tyrosine residue and a diferrous center. Both the radical and the diferric center are regenerated from reduced R2 by reaction with oxygen, while only the diferric center is formed by reaction with hydrogen peroxide.